mardi 9 décembre 2014

Cuaderno de Tenerife (2/2)

Encore quelques dessins de ce moleskine, que j'ai cru perdu pendant trois bonnes semaines, avant de le retrouver, ô joie, au milieu d'une pile de bouquins: Tenerife, Canaries ( le début est là )

A few more sketches of this holidays moleskine I thought lost the three past weeks..until I find it between two books, hurrah!
Tenerife, Canary islands, beginning here.

Left image: Playa de las Gavidas, end of afternoon.
I observe an interesting light on a german, sitting near me, as massive as the cliffs lightening in the sunlight behind him
Hiking in the PArk of Teide. We loose almost 10 degrees climbing here, I must wear warm winter clothes for drawing.
Town hall of "La Orotava"
I leave all my drawing tools, under the disapproving eye of a security guard who finally said nothing...
Good, I wanted that drawing.

A last painting, in the warm wind of the end of afternoon.
Byebye, Tenerife.

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